Tools I Use
Tools I Use
I have a lot of interests, especially when it comes to the arts. I like design, writing, and creating fantasy art. I try to use what I can to create the things that I want, and today there are so many resources. Here are some of the programs I use.
Design Tools
As far as making art goes, Photoshop is a great all around program. It can also be expensive. I wouldn’t use it if I weren’t a graphic designer who bought it for school. As far as design and layout go, Illustrator and InDesign are a lot better. There are free or cheap versions of a lot of these programs, like Gimp instead of Photoshop, so you aren’t necessarily limited by money.
This program is most similar to Illustrator as when compared to the main Adobe products, but it is specific to web design and is becoming the standard.
InVision is for creating prototypes for web pages, mostly showing how linking would work between the different pages, but has other options as well. It is useful for showing clients a more interactive website than a PDF.
I used this as my main 2D animation tool. It’s like Photoshop, but for animation. It can even be used to combine videos together.
Blender is a free, open source 3D tool. You can use it for modeling, animation, and even video game logic. It can do so many things, for free…but it’s hard to use. Really hard, especially if you’ve never played in 3D before. I’ve used this on the side, to make animations but more for still renders. It took a while, but I’ve slowly gotten used to it.
Utility Tools
With this, I can access my files wherever I am, which is useful. I don’t even have to have it installed, just go to the website.
This is really useful for making notes in one place and seeing them somewhere else. The only problem is the two device limit for the free version. Microsoft OneNote is an alternate to this that isn’t limited by the number of devices.
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